How To Meditate With A Mala Bead!


If you're new to meditation, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are some tips on what meditation is, and how it can help you achieve inner peace and better focus in your everyday life. Meditation is a mental discipline that allows you to focus and connect with your inner thoughts and feelings. By doing so, you can learn to control your thoughts and emotions, which can lead to a more peaceful and calmer mindset. In addition, meditation has been shown to improve focus and concentration, making it an ideal tool for those who need clarity of thought in their professional lives. So if you're looking to make some changes in your life, consider giving meditation a try – it could be the answer you've been searching for!

Let go of what you think this needs to look like and be alright with what shows up.
— Dan Baker - MalaforVets Ambassador

It's no secret that meditation comes with a wealth of benefits. From reducing stress to improving mental clarity, the practice has something to offer everyone. And while there are many ways to meditate, using a mala bead can be a great way to get started. A mala bead is an important tool for any meditator. Though it's simple in design, the mala bead has a lot of benefits that can make your meditation practice easier and more fulfilling.

Mala beads, also known as worry beads, have long been used in many cultures for prayer and meditation. There is no right or wrong way to use them, but by following a few simple steps, you can create your own personal meditation practice using a mala bead.


Here are the basics:

1. Choose a mantra. A mantra is simply a word or phrase that you repeat over and over again while meditating. It can be anything you like, but it's best to choose something that has personal meaning for you. One of my favorites is on my inhale I silently say, “Inhale, I know I’m breathing in.” And then on my exhale, “Exhale, I know I’m breathing out.” This is a classic mantra from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

2. Hold the mala bead between your thumb and the first two fingers, with the bead hanging down.

3. Touch the bead below the one you're holding with your thumb and say your mantra, or count your breath. Repeat!

Oftentimes, the hardest aspects of meditating are sitting still and being with your thoughts. Well…you’re in luck if this is the case. Mindful Yoga Therapy has a great video on Finding Your Seat. I highly recommend you watch it…even if you’re not new to meditation.

Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.
— Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

If you’re looking for a way to start your day or end it on a positive note, consider meditating. It only takes a few minutes out of your day and can be done anywhere. And if you find that you’re struggling to keep up your practice, try using a mala bead as motivation. When you use a mala to count each repetition of the mantra you are saying during your meditation practice, the tactile reminder can help make it easier to stick to your routine and achieve the inner peace you desire.

Have you tried meditating with a mala? I’d love to know how it went! Feel free to share in the comments…or send me an email.


Deep Dive - Mala Beads


What Is A Mala?