In the realm of metaphysics, howlite is believed to have calming properties and is often associated with stress relief and emotional healing. It is said to encourage patience, eliminate anger, and promote positive communication. Due to its neutral and calming energy, howlite is frequently used in jewelry-making and crystal healing practices. Whether appreciated for its unique appearance or valued for its purported metaphysical properties, howlite remains a fascinating mineral with diverse applications in both the geological and spiritual realms.

Howlite is valued for its reputed calming properties in holistic healing. It is believed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension, fostering a sense of tranquility. Linked to the Crown Chakra, howlite may promote spiritual awareness and facilitate inner reflection. Additionally, it is thought to aid in improving sleep by calming an overactive mind. Whether utilized in meditation, crystal healing, or as jewelry, howlite is sought after for its potential to bring peace and balance to the mind and spirit.

Spiritual Healing Benefits of Howlite

Howlite is esteemed in spiritual healing practices for its profound impact on the Crown Chakra. This white or grayish stone is believed to stimulate a connection to higher spiritual consciousness, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. By calming the mind and promoting a serene mental state, howlite encourages practitioners to engage in introspection, meditation, and contemplation. Its gentle energy is said to assist individuals in accessing higher realms of awareness and enhancing their spiritual journey.

Furthermore, howlite is thought to have a unique ability to attune one's mind to higher frequencies and facilitate communication with spiritual guides or angelic realms. This makes it a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their intuitive abilities and connect with divine wisdom. Whether used in meditation practices, placed on the Third Eye for enhanced insight, or incorporated into energy work, howlite is valued for its spiritual healing properties and its potential to support individuals on their quest for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Mental Healing Benefits of Howlite

Howlite is recognized for its mental healing properties, particularly in addressing issues related to stress, anxiety, and overactive thoughts. The stone's calming energy is thought to have a stabilizing effect on the mind, helping individuals find relief from the pressures of daily life. By encouraging a state of tranquility, howlite is believed to alleviate excessive worry and tension, promoting mental clarity and focus. Many practitioners use Howlite as a tool for mindfulness and meditation, as it aids in quieting the mental chatter and creating a conducive environment for inner peace.

Moreover, howlite is said to have a beneficial impact on insomnia and sleep disturbances by calming an overactive mind. Its gentle energy is believed to ease the transition into a restful state, making it an ideal companion for those seeking improved sleep patterns. Whether carried as a pocket stone, placed under the pillow, or incorporated into meditation practices, howlite's mental healing properties are valued for their potential to bring a sense of calm and balance to the often busy and chaotic realm of thoughts and emotions.

Physical Healing Benefits of Howlite

While Howlite is predominantly known for its emotional and spiritual attributes, some believe it also holds certain physical healing properties. Advocates suggest that Howlite may assist in balancing calcium levels within the body, potentially aiding in the strengthening of bones and teeth. This association with calcium is thought to contribute to the mineral's use in addressing bone-related issues, such as osteoporosis. Additionally, Howlite is sometimes considered helpful for relieving muscle tension and cramps, as its calming energy may extend to physical relaxation.

Furthermore, Howlite's purported ability to promote a tranquil state of mind is believed to indirectly contribute to overall physical well-being. Stress and anxiety are known to have adverse effects on the body, impacting immune function and contributing to various health issues. By helping to mitigate stress, Howlite enthusiasts suggest that the stone may indirectly support the immune system and contribute to general physical health. It's important to note that these claims are part of holistic and alternative healing traditions and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Emotional Stability of Howlite

Howlite is celebrated for its potential to foster emotional stability and balance. The stone is believed to have a calming influence on heightened emotions, making it a valuable ally for those navigating stress, anxiety, or intense emotional states. Howlite's serene energy is thought to encourage a sense of tranquility and patience, providing a buffer against emotional triggers. This stability can be particularly beneficial during times of emotional upheaval, promoting a grounded and centered demeanor. By helping to soothe emotional tensions, Howlite is often utilized as a supportive tool in promoting a more balanced and harmonious emotional well-being. Whether carried as a pocket stone or incorporated into mindfulness practices, Howlite is embraced for its ability to contribute to a calmer and more emotionally resilient state.

Whether you are new to yoga or meditation practices or experienced in them already - integrating Red Jade into your daily practice will surely bring about a greater sense of peace within yourself! At MalaforVets, we carry a beautiful selection of Howlite Mala and Wrist Malas that are perfect for both beginners and experienced yogis alike. So why wait? Give us a try today and see for yourself how Howlite can help improve your life!

  • Howlite and Sleep: A Natural Aid for Veterans

    Sleep disturbances, including insomnia, are common challenges faced by many veterans. The quest for natural and holistic solutions has led to the exploration of various remedies, among them the intriguing world of crystal healing. One such gemstone gaining attention for its potential sleep-enhancing properties is Howlite. In this blog post, we'll delve into the relationship between Howlite and sleep, exploring its potential benefits for veterans seeking a restful night's sleep.

  • What Is A Mala?

    Curious about what malas are? They're prayer beads used in Buddhist and Hindu traditions for counting mantras (Sanskrit prayers or chants). A typical mala has 108 beads (plus the guru bead), which correspond to the number of mantras typically repeated during each round of meditation. Here at MalaforVets, we use gemstones, seeds, and different wood beads to make our malas.



When you hear the word "chakra," what comes to mind? For many people, chakras are a mysterious concept that's difficult to understand. Through the use of our many gemstones, we'll break down what chakras are and how they can benefit your yoga & meditation practices. Chakras are energy centers in the body that affect physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they're blocked or out of balance, it can lead to health problems and negative emotions. By learning about the chakras and practicing yoga poses that open them up, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Do you ever feel like something is blocking your energy? That you're not quite yourself for no specific reason? Chances are, one or more of your chakras are blocked. Chakras are energy centers in the body that affect physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they're blocked or out of balance, it can lead to health problems and negative emotions. Through the use of our many gemstones, we'll break down what chakras are and how they can benefit your yoga & meditation practices. Chakras are energy centers in the body that affect physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they're blocked or out of balance, it can lead to health problems and negative emotions. By learning about the chakras and practicing yoga poses that open them up, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Chakras can be opened and balanced through yoga, meditation, and certain gemstones. The following are some of the most popular gemstones for chakra healing:

– Ruby: A ruby is said to be the stone of vitality and passion. It helps to open the heart chakra and increase vitality.

– Carnelian: Carnelian is a stone of motivation and productivity. It helps to open the Sacral Chakra and increase creativity.

– Amethyst: Amethyst is a calming stone that helps to open the Third Eye Chakra and improve intuition.

– Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is a stone of truth and wisdom. It helps to open the Throat Chakra and promote honesty and communication.

As you can see, many gemstones can be used to open and balance your chakras. If you're interested in trying out chakra healing, we recommend using a few of these stones in combination with yoga and meditation. This will help to clear any blockages and restore balance to your energy centers.

Howlite is believed to have a profound connection with the Crown Chakra, the energy center located at the top of the head. The Crown Chakra is associated with spiritual awareness, enlightenment, and the connection to higher consciousness. As a white or gray stone with calming properties, Howlite is often used to stimulate and balance the Crown Chakra. It is thought to facilitate a clearer connection to one's higher self, promoting introspection and a deeper understanding of spiritual truths. By placing Howlite on or near the Crown Chakra during meditation or energy work, individuals may seek to enhance their spiritual journey and experience a sense of expanded consciousness.

Additionally, some practitioners suggest that Howlite can also influence the Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and clarity of thought. Howlite's calming energy may contribute to a more focused and balanced mind, aiding in the opening and activation of the Third Eye. By incorporating Howlite into practices that engage with the Third Eye Chakra, individuals may seek to enhance their intuitive abilities and gain a deeper understanding of their inner wisdom. It's important to note that while many find value in these energetic associations, the use of Howlite for Chakra work is rooted in metaphysical beliefs and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

  • Warrior OM

    If you're a new meditator or yogi, you might be wondering what all the different crystals have to do with your practice. Do they help? Are they necessary? While there's no definitive answer to that question, some crystals (like black agate) are believed to help us connect with our warrior energy and amplify our OM practice. Find out more in this blog post!

  • DEEP DIVE: What Is A Mala?

    The origins of the mala are unknown, but they are thought to date back to at least the 12th century. There are many different theories on where malas originated, but most believe that they were derived from Hindu or Buddhist prayer beads. These prayer beads were used to count mantras and other prayers, and they were most often used by monks in monasteries. Today, malas are still used for meditation and prayer practices around the world!


In yoga, we often work with the five elements in order to balance our energy and create a state of harmony within ourselves. One way to do this is through the use of gemstones, which have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Each zodiac sign has a corresponding gemstone, which can be used to help balance the energies of that sign.

Gemstones are not only beautiful, but they also have vibrational energies that can be harnessed for our benefit. When we wear or carry a gemstone that corresponds to our zodiac sign, we are able to harness its energies and use them to help us achieve a sense of balance. Here is a brief overview of each gemstone and its corresponding zodiac sign:

  • Aries: Carnelian

  • Taurus: Rose Quartz

  • Gemini: Citrine

  • Cancer: Moonstone

  • Leo: Peridot

  • Virgo: Sapphire

  • Libra: Opal

  • Scorpio: Topaz

  • Sagittarius: Turquoise

  • Capricorn: Garnet

  • Aquarius: Labradorite

  • Pisces: Amazonite

With so much information out there about zodiac signs, it's hard to know what to believe and what to ignore. However, one area where your zodiac sign can definitely be helpful is in picking the right type of gemstone jewelry. By knowing which stone is associated with your sign, you can choose jewelry that not only looks good but also provides you with the benefits of that particular gemstone.

Howlite is associated with a few specific zodiac signs, and its metaphysical properties are believed to resonate particularly well with individuals born under these signs. One of the primary zodiac signs aligned with Howlite is Gemini. Geminis, born between May 21 and June 20, are known for their dual nature and intellectual curiosity. Howlite's calming energy is thought to assist Geminis in finding balance amidst their dynamic personalities, fostering a sense of tranquility that complements their sometimes restless minds.

Another zodiac sign often linked with Howlite is Virgo. Individuals born between August 23 and September 22 under the sign of Virgo are characterized by their practicality and attention to detail. Howlite's calming influence is believed to aid Virgos in managing stress and promoting emotional balance, aligning well with their desire for order and harmony in their lives. Whether used as jewelry or kept in their living spaces, Virgos may find Howlite to be a supportive companion in their quest for mental and emotional well-being. While these zodiac associations are rooted in metaphysical beliefs, individuals from any sign can explore and benefit from the unique properties of Howlite based on personal resonance and preference.