The Hamsa is a hand-shaped amulet that is popular in Middle Eastern and North African cultures. It is believed to bring good luck and protect the owner from harm. The word "Hamsa" is derived from the Arabic word for "five," and the design of the amulet often incorporates five fingers. In many cultures, the Hamsa is also associated with the concept of the "evil eye," which is thought to bring bad luck to those who are the recipients of negative thoughts or jealousy. As a result, the Hamsa is often worn as a talisman to protect against these negative energies. In addition to its protective qualities, the Hamsa is also seen as a symbol of fertility, abundance, and prosperity.

The Hamsa is a hand-shaped amulet that is popular in Middle Eastern and North African cultures. It is believed to bring good luck and protect the owner from harm. The word "Hamsa" is derived from the Arabic word for "five," and the design of the amulet often incorporates five fingers. In many cultures, the Hamsa is also associated with the concept of the "evil eye," which is thought to bring bad luck to those who are the recipients of negative thoughts or jealousy. As a result, the Hamsa is often worn as a talisman to protect against these negative energies. In addition to its protective qualities, the Hamsa is also seen as a symbol of fertility, abundance, and prosperity.

The Symbolism Behind Hamsa in Yoga

In the context of yoga, the Hamsa is often seen as a symbol of the divine, representing the connection between the individual and the universal. The Hamsa is believed to represent the connection between the individual ego and the ultimate reality or divine consciousness. In this way, the Hamsa can be seen as a reminder of the need to relinquish the ego and surrender to a higher power. As a result, the Hamsa is often used as a meditation aid, helping practitioners focus on the present moment and let go of distractions. The Hamsa can also be used as a reminder to cultivate compassion and loving-kindness towards oneself and others, as these qualities are seen as essential for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Incorporating Hamsa Into Your Yoga Practice

You can incorporate the Hamsa symbol into your yoga practice in many ways. One way is to use a Hamsa hand-shaped meditation cushion or mat, which can serve as a visual reminder of the significance of the Hamsa symbol. You can also wear a Hamsa bracelet or pendant as a reminder to cultivate compassion and loving-kindness or display a Hamsa wall hanging or tapestry in your yoga space. You can incorporate the Hamsa symbol into your daily affirmations or mantras, using phrases such as "I am protected and guided by the divine" or "I am one with the universe." In addition, you can use the Hamsa as a focal point during meditation, allowing the symbol to remind you to let go of the ego and surrender to a higher power.

The Spiritual Healing of Hamsa

The Hamsa symbol is believed to have spiritual healing properties and is often used as a means of cultivating inner peace and balance. Many people find that focusing on the Hamsa during meditation or visualization helps to calm the mind and bring a sense of clarity and perspective. The Hamsa is also associated with the heart chakra, which is associated with love, compassion, and connection to others. As a result, the Hamsa can be used as a tool for opening and healing the heart chakra, helping practitioners to connect with their sense of love and compassion. In addition, the Hamsa is often seen as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings, which can help to foster a sense of unity and oneness with the universe. Overall, the Hamsa can be a powerful spiritual tool for cultivating inner peace, love, and connection to the divine.


There are several reasons why someone might choose to wear a Hamsa. One reason is for the symbolic meaning associated with the Hamsa. As a symbol of protection, abundance, and prosperity, the Hamsa can serve as a reminder to cultivate positive thoughts and actions and to invite positive energies into one's life. The Hamsa is also associated with the concept of the "evil eye," which is thought to bring bad luck to those who are the recipients of negative thoughts or jealousy. As a result, the Hamsa is often worn as a talisman to protect against these negative energies. At MalaforVets, we carry a beautiful selection of Hamsa Malas that are perfect for both beginners and experienced yogis alike. So why wait? Give us a try today and see for yourself how Sandalwood can help improve your life!

Have you ever worked with Hamsa before? Would you like to share a short blog with us?

  • What Is A Mala

    Curious about what malas are? They're prayer beads used in Buddhist and Hindu traditions for counting mantras (Sanskrit prayers or chants). A typical mala has 108 beads (plus the guru bead), which correspond to the number of mantras typically repeated during each round of meditation.

  • Unlock The Power of Skulls

    Skulls have been used throughout the ages to unlock spiritual, physical, and mental power. From yoga poses to meditation techniques, skulls can be used to help you reach your highest potential. But what exactly are the benefits of using skulls in our lives? Let's take a look at how skulls can help us on our journey to self-discovery.


When you hear the word "chakra," what comes to mind? For many people, chakras are a mysterious concept that's difficult to understand. Through the use of our many gemstones, we'll break down what chakras are and how they can benefit your yoga & meditation practices. Chakras are energy centers in the body that affect physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they're blocked or out of balance, it can lead to health problems and negative emotions. By learning about the chakras and practicing yoga poses that open them up, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Do you ever feel like something is blocking your energy? That you're not quite yourself for no specific reason? Chances are, one or more of your chakras are blocked. Chakras are energy centers in the body that affect physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they're blocked or out of balance, it can lead to health problems and negative emotions. Through the use of our many gemstones, we'll break down what chakras are and how they can benefit your yoga & meditation practices. Chakras are energy centers in the body that affect physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they're blocked or out of balance, it can lead to health problems and negative emotions. By learning about the chakras and practicing yoga poses that open them up, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Chakras can be opened and balanced through yoga, meditation, and certain gemstones. The following are some of the most popular gemstones for chakra healing:

– Ruby: A ruby is said to be the stone of vitality and passion. It helps to open the heart chakra and increase vitality.

– Carnelian: Carnelian is a stone of motivation and productivity. It helps to open the Sacral Chakra and increase creativity.

– Amethyst: Amethyst is a calming stone that helps to open the Third Eye Chakra and improve intuition.

– Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is a stone of truth and wisdom. It helps to open the Throat Chakra and promote honesty and communication.

As you can see, many gemstones can be used to open and balance your chakras. If you're interested in trying out chakra healing, we recommend using a few of these stones in combination with yoga and meditation. This will help to clear any blockages and restore balance to your energy centers.

The Hamsa symbol is often associated with the heart chakra, which is the fourth chakra located in the center of the chest. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and connection to others and is believed to govern our ability to give and receive love. When the heart chakra is balanced and open, we can feel a sense of love and connection to ourselves and others and express these feelings freely and authentically.

In addition to supporting the heart chakra, the Hamsa is also thought to be connected to the crown chakra, which is the seventh chakra located at the top of the head. The crown chakra is associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment and is believed to govern our ability to connect with the divine and tap into higher states of consciousness. When the crown chakra is balanced and open, we can experience a sense of unity and oneness with the universe and access more profound levels of spiritual understanding and insight.

Overall, the Hamsa symbol is a powerful tool for supporting both the heart and crown chakras, helping practitioners cultivate love, compassion, and connection to the divine.

  • The Benefits of Skull Beads Based on your Zodiac Sign

    Have you ever wondered why some people wear skull beads? While many people do it just for aesthetics, there is a myriad of reasons why someone might choose to wear them. Not only can they be used as a reminder of life’s fragility and mortality, but they also have meditative and healing properties that vary from person to person. In this blog post, we'll explore how the benefits of wearing skull beads can vary depending on your zodiac sign.

  • Warrior Energy

    When faced with a challenge, do you tend to shy away or step up? If it's the latter, then you're likely already familiar with warrior energy—even if you don't know it by that name. Warrior energy is the unique combination of courage, strength, and resolve that allows us to overcome obstacles and come out victorious on the other side. And while accessing this powerful energy source may seem daunting at first, there are some simple things that you can do to tap into it when needed. So go forth bravely my friends—the world needs more warriors!


In yoga, we often work with the five elements in order to balance our energy and create a state of harmony within ourselves. One way to do this is through the use of gemstones, which have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Each zodiac sign has a corresponding gemstone, which can be used to help balance the energies of that sign.

Gemstones are not only beautiful, but they also have vibrational energies that can be harnessed for our benefit. When we wear or carry a gemstone that corresponds to our zodiac sign, we are able to harness its energies and use them to help us achieve a sense of balance. Here is a brief overview of each gemstone and its corresponding zodiac sign:

  • Aries: Carnelian

  • Taurus: Rose Quartz

  • Gemini: Citrine

  • Cancer: Moonstone

  • Leo: Peridot

  • Virgo: Sapphire

  • Libra: Opal

  • Scorpio: Topaz

  • Sagittarius: Turquoise

  • Capricorn: Garnet

  • Aquarius: Labradorite

  • Pisces: Amazonite

With so much information out there about zodiac signs, it's hard to know what to believe and what to ignore. However, one area where your zodiac sign can definitely be helpful is in picking the right type of gemstone jewelry. By knowing which stone is associated with your sign, you can choose jewelry that not only looks good but also provides you with the benefits of that particular gemstone.

The Hamsa is a powerful symbol that is believed to bring good luck and protection to the owner. In many cultures, it is also seen as a symbol of fertility, abundance, and prosperity. The Hamsa is often associated with the concept of the "evil eye," and is thought to protect against negative energies and the negative thoughts or jealousy of others.

In the context of astrology, the Hamsa can be connected to various zodiac signs depending on the specific attributes and energies associated with each sign. For example, the Hamsa may be particularly resonant for those born under the sign of Taurus, which is associated with abundance, stability, and a love of material possessions. The Hamsa can serve as a reminder for Taurus individuals to cultivate positive thoughts and actions in order to invite abundance and prosperity into their lives.

In contrast, the Hamsa may be less resonant for those born under the sign of Aquarius, which is associated with individuality, independence, and a strong sense of self. Aquarius individuals may find that the Hamsa symbol conflicts with their desire to assert their own identity and independence, and may prefer to find other symbols or practices that align more closely with their personal beliefs and values. Ultimately, the power of the Hamsa and its connection to the zodiac signs will depend on the individual and their personal astrological chart.